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The Trinity Care of Creation Page

We have all heard a lot about climate crises, and maybe drought, big storms and heat-waves have convinced us about global warming.  It makes us feel helpless.  What can we do?  This page attempts to pull together a few things that we can do as individuals and as a community which, if enough of us do them, can make a real difference.


We are a community full of talented and well-educated people.  If you have any useful ideas or resources not yet seen here, please contact the church office and we'll get the word out!


Updated News: At the end of 2023, we received a very generous offer from a parishioner that would benefit both Trinity and the environment. After research and a lot of discussion, we have settled on solar panels on the parish hall roof and replacing one of our aging heating and cooling systems with a heat pump. The solar installation is expected to supply 94% of our existing demand for electricity, avoiding the release of 9 tons of CO2 into the atmosphere. Replacing the heat pump will avoid an additional 9 tons of CO2 per year.
Together these projects will eliminate 40% of our annual carbon footprint. Contracts have been signed and work should begin by the end of February 2024.


Trinity Episcopal Church in Ashland is part of the Episcopal Church of the United States and the Worldwide Anglican Communion. Together with our sisters and brothers in 165 countries around the globe, we celebrate the teachings of Christ.




44 North Second Street

Ashland, Oregon 97520

Core Values:

To proclaim by word, sacrament and example the Good News of God in Jesus Christ; To seek and serve Christ in all persons;  To strive for justice, peace, reconciliation, and the healing of the world; To care for one another and stranger alike.

~ Openness

~ Compassion

~ Generosity

~ Hospitality

~ Reverence

To grow together in a shared life where we feel and express God's ever-present love, recognize grace in all creation, and hear with increasing clarity and heed God's call.

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