Eucharistic Ministers and Visitors
Eucharistic Ministers help serve at the Altar during services and also lead the prayers of the people during services. Eucharistic Visitors take communion to the homebound. Eucharistic Ministers and Visitors are required to complete the updated Safe Church Training, be licensed by the Diocese, and attend a training session. Trinity would benefit from more Eucharistic Ministers serving the altar.
Trinity currently has three acolytes serving our parish. It would be wonderful to have additions to the team. If you would be interested, please contact Br. Daniel.
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The ministry of lectors is serious and important. Lectors take the responsibility for helping the congregation understand the bible readings incorporated into the worship services. Usually there are two readings, one from the Old Testament and one from the New Testament, mostly from the Epistles. Lectors make an effort to understand the reading themselves and prepare and practice the delivery before the service. This may include doing any pronunciation research that is necessary.
Parishioners who are lectors choose the days, time, and whether they want to read the first reading (Old Testament) or the second reading (New Testament) by using the online program, SignUp Genius.
Lector training and instructions on how to use SignUp Genius are available. If you are interested in becoming a lector, please contact Maureen Wilson-Jarrard.